Kapha in the human body
Kapha is represented by the elements of earth and water, it provides lubrication and structure to the cells and tissues of the body.
Kapha’s basic qualities include being slow-moving, cold in temperature, heavy in weight, wet to the touch and sweet-tasting.
Late winter and early spring are often times that aggravate Kapha.
When in balance Kapha is strong, energetic, tranquil and settled. However, when out of balance, Kapha tends towards sluggishness, lethargy, dullness and general heaviness. Kapha personalities tend to retain things - information, fluids and weight.
In order to keep Kapha in balance, it is important to exercise regularly, keep stimulated and watch your eating habits carefully so you don't overeat. Warm and spicy foods will help keep the Kapha type balanced.
Having too much Kapha in your boody is the opposite of having too much Vata.
The following symptons may indicate a Kapha imbalance:
* sinus congestion, sinus headache, hay fever and runny nose
* headcold or bronchitis
* lethargy, dryness or heavy and prolonged sleep
* slow digestion, incomplete digestion
* depression
* excessively oily skin and scalp
* weight gain & water retention
Kapha Balancing Foods
Remember, whatever your dosha, or current imbalance, it is important to maintain balance in your eating. While you need to favour Kapha balancing foods, do not do so to the exclusion of others. Include all six tastes in your diet - sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent.
Foods to increase to balance Kapha
*bitter foods such as leafy green vegetables
*astringent foods such as apples and pears - these are drying in their nature
*pungent (spicy) foods
*warm foods
*dried fruits such as raisins and figs
*fresh corn
*chicken and turkey
*honey - organic, not heat treated
*all herbs & spices
Foods to reduce to balance Kapha
*sweeteners (except honey)
*salty foods such as salt or soy sauce
*sour foods such as citrus fruits
*cold foods
*oily, greasy or fried foods
*red meat
*dairy products