The doshas - Vata
VATA is air and space.
The basic theme for Vata is change.
Vata is responsible for movement in the body - control of the central nervous system, muscle movement, breathing, digestion and nerve impulses.
Qualities of a Vata dominant physiology
- light, thin build
- performs activity quickly
- irregular hunger and digestion
- light, interrupted sleep & a tendency to insomnia
- enthusiastic, vivacious and imaginative
- excitable with changing moods
- quick to learn new things, quick to forget them
- tendency to anxiety and worry
- tires easily, tendency to overexert
- mental and physical energy comes in bursts
It is very Vata to
- be hungry at any time of the day or night
- love excitement and constant change
- go to sleep at different times every night, skip meals and keep irregular habits
- digest food well one day and poorly the next
- display bursts of emotion that are short lived and quickly forgotten
- walk quickly
When it is balanced, a Vata dominant phyisology is
- infectiously happy, enthusiastic & energetic
- mind is clear and alert
- inner tone is exhilerated
- quick, acute response to sound & touch
When it is out of balance, a Vata dominant physiology
- starts things but doesn't finish them
- is chronically unsatisfied
- has a tendency to worry, anxiety & insomnia
- wastes energy, words & money
- has unreliable digestion
To help keep Vata in balance
- get sufficient rest
- maintain regular habits
- exercise in the morning to increase circulation, boost mood and improve immunity
- eat warming, nurturing foods